With strong matriarchal roots and an inherent drive to decolonize systems, Somia has always sought to inspire and uplift young leaders, particularly those from traditionally marginalized and minority populations. Somia aims to foster workplaces and societies that embody principles of humility, respect, and reciprocity.
Somia is the founder of Narratives Inc., an award-winning consulting firm based in Winnipeg that focuses on impact assessment, conflict transformation, and community engagement. She also founded Kahanee, a non-profit in Canada dedicated to amplifying stories and promoting peacebuilding through storytelling, and Kahanee Suno, a welfare organization based in Pakistan that spotlights ancestral community-based conflict transformation systems.
Somia is a Registered Professional Planner and member of the prestigious College of Fellows with the Canadian Institute of Planners, an Environmental Professional with Eco Canada, and a member of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs in The Hague. She has sat on the Minister’s Advisory Council on Impact Assessment, advising the federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change on the implementation of Impact Assessment in Canada.
Somia's portfolio includes peacebuilding through storytelling, negotiations, and trauma-informed engagement. She is regularly invited to provide input and advice on impact assessment, conflict prevention, and engagement, delivering talks and keynote addresses on topics such as trauma-informed leadership, pushing for professions to honour difference and diversity, women in leadership, and identity and belonging.